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Libros de Anonymous
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para Anonymous
The great sages approached Manu, who was seated with a collected mind, and, having duly worshipped him, spoke as follows: 2. Deign, divine one, to declare to us precisely and in due order the sacred laws of each of the (four chief) castes (varna) and of the intermediate ones. 3. For thou, O Lord, alone knowest the purport, (i.e.) the rites, and ...
ABDALLAH PASHA'S SERAGLIO Her British Majesty's Ship Antler, of which I was in command, lay becalmed one afternoon off the coast of Morocco. I did not allow the steam to be raised for I knew the evening breeze would soon make toward the land. Retiring to my cabin I threw myself upon the sofa. I could not sleep for my thoughts kept wandering back...
I do not like old rooms that are brown with the smell of time. The ceilings in my husband's house were too high. They ran away from me. In the night I would reach up my hands but I could not touch them. When Edward asked me what I was doing I said I was reaching my hands up to touch the sky. He did not understand. Were we too young together? Onc...
Unaccustomed to hurrying, the aristocratic young lady slowly ascended the steps, where a housemaid awaited her. 'Lady Tingle waits in the drawing room to welcome you, Miss'. 'Very well, you may show me through', replied Astrid languidly, dangling a small, blue parasol from her wrist. The house was cool, smelling pleasantly of lavender and wood p...
A maidenhead. TOM BROWN being at an assembly, was asked how he liked a young ""lady that was dancing? and whose complexion was discernably her own manu- facture ? Really, sir, answered he, I am no connois- seur in painting. A young lady, who had been married about six months, asked Tom Brown if he would stand for her first child ? Madam, answere...
Which being introductory, will not prove very interesting to the reader TO LADY G..... R.of King Arthur; but what most delighted him were the witty memoirs of the Comte de Grammont, in which a full account is given of the voluptuons Court of Charles II. So it came to pass that what with hearing him read out of that book, and tell anecdotes he ha...
The editor of the following work thinks it may be interesting to his readers to know how the original manuscript came into his hands. Some years ago, an old lady of rank and fashion died suddenly in the country, at the house of a friend where she had been paying a visit. She had long outlived all her contemporary relatives and friends, and, havi...
C'est en montrant le vice à nu que l'on ramène à la vertu. (Französisches Sprichwort,} Wer sich wissenschaftlich mit Volksforschung befaßt, der muß sich auch mit der Entwicklunggeschichte der geschlechtlichen Sitten und Bräuche und der auf ihnen beruhenden rechtlichen und religiösen Anschauungen aufs eingehendste vertraut machen. Alle psychische...
Vorwort. Der wichtigste, um nicht zu sagen einzige leitende Grundsatz für die echte Volks- und Völkerforschung, wie sonst für jede wahre wissenschaftliche Untersuchung, ist der, eingedenk zu bleiben, daß es unsere Aufgabe ist, die Erscheinungen unverschönt und unver- bessert, in ihrer unverhüllten Wirklichkeit kennen zu lernen, bevor wir nach Er...
THE THREE CHUMS: A TALE OF LONDON EVERYDAY LIFE The Young Man from the Country Charles Warner, the son of a wealthy squire who owned a large estate in the Midlands, had just arrived in town, and taken up his apartments in Gower Street, for the purpose of becoming a medical student, as of course being only a younger son, and the freehold property...
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