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Libros de Anonymous
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para Anonymous
TO those who really hunger and thirst after righteousness; and who therefore long to know what righteousness is, that they may copy it: To those who long to be freed, not merely from the punishment of sin after they die, but from sin itself while they live on earth; and who therefore wish to know what sin is, that they may avoid it: To those who...
That wisdom made its definite entrance into the Catholic fold about A.D. 500, in the writings of the profound and nameless mystic who chose to call himself ""Dionysius the Areopagite."" Three hundred and fifty years later, those writings were translated into Latin by John Scotus Erigena, a scholar at the court of Charlemagne, and so became avail...
In the beginning of the New-making, the ancient fathers lived successively in four caves in the Four fold-containing-earth. The first was of sooty blackness, black as a chimney at night time; the second, dark as the night in the stormy season; the third, like a valley in starlight; the fourth, with a light like the dawning. Then they came up in ...
The present is, I believe, the first complete translation of the great Arabic compendium of romantic fiction that has been attempted in any European language comprising about four times as much matter as that of Galland and three times as much as that of any Other translator known to myself; and a short statement of the sources from which it is ...
Traditions and Old China From early days when the ancients showed their appreciation of fine pottery and old glassware by burying ""these most esteemed possessions"" with the dead, fine china has been synonymous with culture and breeding. With our ancestors for generations we share the tradition that, just as first editions give prestige to ones...
DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY NEW YORK Long, long ago, in ancient times, there lived a King and Queen, And for the blessing of a child their longing sore had been: At last, a little daughter fair, to their great joy, was given, And to the christening feast they made, they bade the Fairies seven- The Fairies seven, who loved the land-that they the child...
Geschiedkundige bijzonderheden. Veel vroeger dan de overige oorspronkelijke bewoners der nieuwe wereld, en lang voor de aankomst der Europeanen in Amerika, waren de oude inboorlingen van Mexiko1, de Tolteken en na hen de Azteken, tot eene vrij hooge mate van beschaving opgeklommen. Niet alleen weefden zij reeds zeer vroegtijdig tapijten en ander...
It was the opinion of the wise Pythagoras, and of some other philosophers, that the souls of men, women, and children, after their death, are sent into other human bodies, and sometimes into those of beasts and birds, or even insects; and that they hereby change their residence either to their advantage or disadvantage, according to their good o...
Van zijne eerste verschijning af, ja zelfs reeds voor dat het gedrukt was, heeft het boek eene groote tegenspraak en veroordeeling ondervonden. Vele pennen zijn daarover in beweging gebracht, eerst om de uitgave te beletten en vervolgens om de verspreiding tegen te gaan. Niet alleen binnen s lands, maar ook daar buiten is men tegen dat boek te v...
Sir George Dasent's translation of the Njals Saga, under the title The Story of Burnt Njal, which is reprinted in this volume, was published by Messrs. Edmonston & Douglas in 1861. That edition was in two volumes, and was furnished by the author with maps and plans; with a lengthy introduction dealing with Iceland's history, religion and social ...
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