Esto es lo que sabemos de ARTHUR KOESTLER.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para ARTHUR KOESTLER
Páginas: 400 Géneros: 12:JM:Psychology 12:HPM:Philosophy of mind Sinopsis: In The Sleepwalkers and The Act of Creation Arthur Koestler provided pioneering studies of scientific discovery and artistic inspiration, the twin pinnacles of human achievement. The Ghost in the Machine looks at the dark side of the coin
The Gladiators is a philosophical novel on the nature of revolution; a melancholy commentary on the failure of politics to respond to men’s inner needs. It reveals to us the dialectic of history with a moral for our own times.
Autobiografía 4/El destierro de Arthur KOESTLER. 1974, Alianza Editorial/Emece
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