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C. Phillips
Libros de C. Phillips
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para C. Phillips
Captain Phillips - ab 14. November im Kino Am 8. April 2009 wird der Albtraum eines jeden Kapitäns wahr: Um 7.30 Uhr Ortszeit wird das Containerschiff Maersk Alabama 300 Seemeilen vor der Küste Somalias von Piraten angegriffen. Um seine Crew zu retten, weist Richard Phillips die Männer an, sich in einer Kabine zu verstecken, und begibt sich frei...
Cattle farming is under public pressure for creating possible health risks, for inadequate attention to animal welfare and for having adverse affects on the environment. This book outlines methods of farming with dairy and beef cattle, particularly those that provide for optimum animal welfare.
Make the Most of Your Sewing Machine Join author Charlene Phillips as you learn all about...
?It only takes one person to be the change in today?s world!? Chris Phillips This book is written by youth motivational speaker, playwright, author & screenwriter Chrys Phillips. She writes motivational & inspirational quotes to assist you to where you dream to be! Through her own life?s experiences she chats in a friendly manner on her life and...
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