Esto es lo que sabemos de DEAN KOONTZ.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para DEAN KOONTZ
From one of the master storytellers of this or any age (The Tampa Tribune) comes the stunning final adventure of one of the most remarkable and appealing characters in current fiction(The Virginian-Pilot)as #1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz brings the unforgettable odyssey of Odd Thomas to its dazzling conclusion. Odd Thomas is...
One rain-swept Sunday night when he was 20 years old, on his way back to college after a weekend with his family, Joey Shannon took the wrong highway - and from that moment, nothing ever went right for him again. Now, exactly 20 years later, on another rain-swept night, Joey finds himself at the same crossroads, looking down the road never taken.
Luksusowy apartamentowiec przy ulicy Cieni 77 byl dawniej prywatna rezydencja, wybudowana pod koniec dziewietnastego wieku przez milionera Andrew Pendletona. Jednak pewnej nocy rodzina milionera zniknela, a on sam oszalal i wkrotce popelnil samobojstwo. Po latach nastepny wlasciciel, jego rodzina i sluzba zostali brutalnie zamordowani i nie wszy...
"Koontz é um excelente contador de histórias e um escritor ousado; em seus romances ele oferece aos leitores um brilho de esperança em um mundo sombrio." Publishers Weekly "A trama de Dean Koontz é construída com personagens psicologicamente complexos e também com genialidade." The New York Times Câmeras em supermercados, aparelhos de raios-...
Micky Bellsong steckt in einer tiefen persönlichen Krise. Um sich über ihr Leben klar zu werden, zieht sie sich in einen Trailerpark ins südliche Kalifornien zurück. Hier lernt Micky die Tochter der Nachbarn kennen, die kluge, eigenwillige Leilani. Die Neunjährige ist davon überzeugt, dass ihre Eltern planen, sie zu Aliens auf ein Raumschiff zu ...
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