Esto es lo que sabemos de JOHN LE CARRE.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para JOHN LE CARRE
John le Carre's classic novels deftly navigate readers through the intricate shadow world's of international espionage with unsurpassed skill and knowledge, and have earned him unprecedented worldwide acclaim. In this thrilling and though-provoking novel of Middle Eastern intrigue, Charlie, a brilliant and beautiful young ...
Enter the new world of espionage, where the skills forged by generations of spies during the darkest days of the Cold War are put to even more terrifying use. Penetrate the secret world of ruthless arms dealers and drug smugglers who have risen to unthinkable power and wealth. The sinister master of them all is an untouchable Englishman named Ro...
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En plena nit, un jove rus mig mort de fam entra clandestinament a Hamburg. L’Annabel, una jove i idealista advocada alemanya que treballa per una associació d’ajut als immigrants, està decidida a arriscar-ho tot per salvar-lo de la deportació. Tommy Brue, director i hereu d’un banc britànic en declivi, té les claus de la sospitosa herència del p...
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