Esto es lo que sabemos de LEONARDO SCIASCIA.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para LEONARDO SCIASCIA
Secret deals, powerful men and murder - One Way or Another is a chillingly prophetic work. The Knight and Death features a nameless (and apparently terminally ill) detective investigating the murder of a lawyer believed to have been killed by a mysterious revolutionary group. The detective thinks otherwise and sets out to prove that powerful bus...
Here are some of Sciascia's greatest stories - brief and haunting, the realist tradition at its best. In one tale a couple of men talk, cynically yet earnestly, about the etymology of the word 'mafia' - who they are, and why their interest is so piqued by the word, becomes apparent with frightening clarity. In another story a group of peasants a...
Ed. Argos Vergara. Rústica. 160 pags. 13 X 20cm. Índice: Desde su " prision de pueblo", Aldo Moro envió númerosos cartas a su familia y a destacadas personlidades, cartas que fueron dadas a la luz pública. A partir de ellas, el autor reconstruye el caso
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