Esto es lo que sabemos de ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON
Itsaslapurren nobelarik ezagunena eta biribilena duzu hau, irudi ederrez hornitua eta lehen irakurleentzat moldatua, literatura unibertsaleko lan handi bat hizkuntza errazean emateko.
Un mociño inglés do século XVIII vive e conta neste libro, clásico no seu xénero, unha aventura extraordinaria. Mesturados el e mais os seus amigos cunha grea de bucaneiros disfrazados de xente de ben, e norteados polo mapa que tirara o rapaz do cofre dun pirata finado na cativa pensión familiar, bótanse ao mar tras o engado do fabuloso tesouro ...
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Get set for a swashbuckling series of adventures. In this volume, Robert Louis Stevenson -- famed author of such classics as Treasure Island and Kidnapped -- presents a series of articles and essays recounting his own travels around the Pacific. A must-read for fans of Stevenson's unique brand of high-seas action and excitement.
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The Wrong Box is a black comedy novel, co-written by Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and his stepson Lloyd Osbourne.Morris and John Finsbury stands to gain a lot of money if their Uncle Masterman dies, but none if Uncle Joseph dies first. So when Joseph seems to have come to an unti...
"A Child's Garden of Verses" is Robert Louis Stevenson's classic collection of children's poems. The following poems are included: To Alison Cunningham, Bed in Summer, A Thought, At the Sea-Side, Young Night-Thought, Whole Duty of Children, Rain, Pirate Story, Foreign Lands, Windy Nights, Travel, Singing, Looking Forward, A Good Play, Where Go t...
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