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  • Portada de 1080 RECIPES


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • 1080 Spanish recipes, the bible of authentic Spanish cookery. UK Edition.Simone and Ines Ortega

    The definitive book on traditional and authentic Spanish home cooking
    This is the UK edition of 1080 Recipes. This title is not available for delivery to addresses in the Americas. A US edition is available

    A bestseller since its publication almost forty years ago, millions of copies have been sold in Spain
    Spanish cuisine is the fastest growing cuisine in popularity, with Spanish restaurants and tapas bars opening in cities all over the world
    Contains 1080 recipes from all Spanish regions for everything from appetizers to stews, from vegetables to desserts
    All recipes thoroughly updated and revised for the English-speaking markets
    Designed by the famous Spanish graphic designer and illustrator, Javier Mariscal, and including over 500 illustrations he has created for this edition together with 104 specially commissioned photographs

    Following close on the heels of the public’s love of Italian food, Spanish food is fast growing in popularity with more and more Spanish restaurants emerging all over the world and a tapas-style revolution happening in the way we eat out.

    1080 recetas de cocina is a comprehensive collection of traditional and authentic Spanish recipes, covering everything from tortilla to bacalao. This title has been a bestseller in Spain since it was first published, and with over 2 million copies sold it can be found in most kitchens across the country. The book’s author, Simone Ortega is considered to be the doyenne of cooking in Spain and has written about food for numerous years, including for magazines and in books.

    It is a comprehensive collection of traditional and authentic Spanish recipes, covering everything from tortilla to bacalao. This title has been a bestseller in Spain since it was first published, and with over 2 million copies sold it can be found in most kitchens across the country. The book’s author, Simone Ortega is considered to be the doyenne of cooking in Spain and has written about food for numerous years, including for magazines and in books.

    Since its first publication, over 35 years ago, 1080 has undergone several updates to keep it relev

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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