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  • Portada de BLACKWOOD FARM


  • Portada de BLACKWOOD FARM


  • Portada de BLACKWOOD FARM


  • Portada de BLACKWOOD FARM


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Lestat is back, saviour and demon, presiding over a gothic story of family greed and hatred through generations, a terrifying drama of blood lust and betrayal, possession and matricide.
    Blackwood Farm with its grand Southern mansion, set among dark cypress swamps in Louisiana, harbours terrible blood-stained secrets and family ghosts. Heir to them all is Quinn Blackwood, young, rash and beautiful, himself a 'bloodhunter' whom Lestat takes under his wing. But Quinn is in thrall not only to the past and his own appetites but, even more dangerously, to a companion spirit, a 'goblin' succubus who could destroy him and others. Only the unearthly power of Lestat combined with the earthly powers of the Mayfair clan could hope to save Quinn from himself and his ghosts, or to rescue the doomed girl Quinn loves from her own mortality- Shocking, savage and richly erotic, this novel with the deceptively gentle title bring us Anne Rice at her most powerfully disturbing. Here are vampires and witches, men and women, demons and a doppelg-nger, caught up in a maelstrom of death and destruction, blood and fire, cruelty and fate.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • In her new novel, perennial bestseller Anne Rice fuses her two uniquely seductive strains of narrative -- her Vampire legend and her lore of the Mayfair witches -- to give us a world of classic deep-south luxury and ancestral secrets.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: ALEMÁN

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: ALEMÁN



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