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  • Portada de BOBOBO-BO-BO-BOBO Nº3


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  • Para algunos de los que la padecen, la calvicie es un problema que puede llegar a nublar su juicio. Este parece ser el caso del Emperador Bola de Billar IV que, obsesionado con su falta de pelo, tiene una idea genial para no sentirse en inferioridad ante los que poseen una exuberante cabellera: crear un ejército cuya única misión es rapar la cabeza de todos los habitantes del imperio. Naturalmente, muchos de sus abnegados súbditos no se alegran, precisamente, de que les rapen el pelo al cero pero se sienten indefensos. Sólo una persona le planta cara al tirano: Bobobo Bobobobo, un hombre que desde su más tierna infancia ha podido comunicarse con el pelo de la gente y manipular el suyo a voluntad. Ahora, como paladín de la justicia capilar, Bobobo reunirá a un grupo de lo más variopinto para hacer frente a tan terrible amenaza y crear un mundo en el que el pelo pueda ser libre. . . Editado originalmente en la revista Shonen Jump.

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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bobobo manga

Comentarios de los lectores


#1 Ya sea en manga o anime, Bobobo no deja indiferente a quien lo ve o lee. Un personaje un tanto peculiar que hará frente a sus enemigos...¡Con el poder del cabello nasal! Una genialidad de Yoshio Sawai, un manga que, para mí, es brillante. Sus personajes son entrañables y las escenas y líos en los que se verán envueltos, son de lo más absurdo.

Fecha: 27/11/2012 15:08 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 69 // por: sandunderme

#11 Property for sale  Green Valley Lahore Payment Plan The general public is arranged in a notable location which makes it simple for its occupants to travel. It is likewise near various eminent schools, universities, medical clinics, markets, and shopping centers. Society offers a serene and sound climate with every one of the cutting edge offices inside your range. It has enormous green spaces and waterfronts making it stand-out. The wide streets will make your drive simple and advantageous.

Fecha: 09/12/2022 09:33 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: ourupn1

#12 Thanks for share this post ! Green Valley Lahore Location Map situated at Lower Ground Floor cellar Shopping center of lahore? Park Path Pinnacle, Tufail Road? Lahore, Pakistan Would you say you are an entrepreneur and do you need a free posting here or you own a posting? ensure that you guarantee this business and free posting, when asserted you will actually want to alter the depiction and contact data and gain new enquiries.

Fecha: 09/12/2022 09:34 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: ourupn1

#13 This time, New year eve will be set apart toward the End of the week, which is a decent reward for laborers, understudies, and families. Every year Bahria Town commends the New Year. According to the customs, this year as well, the New Year events will be joined by tremendous flourish and stupendous celebrations.

Fecha: 31/12/2022 12:52 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: ourupn1

#14 The style of Bahria Town's festival will be the equivalent however this time the merriments and the celebrations will be more excellent, New year events really energizing, and more cheerful. These celebrations will likewise contain the uplifting news of the incredible great send off of Bahria Town Karachi 2. Wanted to give a brilliant and creative living climate, BTK 2 will really characterize class, quality, and an extravagant way of life.

Fecha: 31/12/2022 12:53 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: ourupn1

#15 Amazing post ! The Bahria Cultural Festival 2022 is planned to be hosted at the Rose Garden in Happy new year 2023  This event is going to be presented by Q-Links and will be held for three days. The event is set to take place from the 23rd to the 25th of December. Get ready for a weekend that’s going to be jam-packed with great times, tasty food, and lively music. The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Fecha: 31/12/2022 12:55 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: ourupn1

#16 The Bahria Social Celebration 2022 will include various rivalries and games, as well as unrecorded music, selfies, New Year Celebrations and different types of diversion. There will be a wide assortment of events and slows down, like those selling food, collectibles, home style, and, surprisingly, outlandish birds and creatures. There will likewise be a Qawali night, a theater execution, and a singing rivalry.

Fecha: 31/12/2022 12:55 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: ourupn1

#17 Good post ! Gulberg Executive Multan is a luxurious residential project located in the heart of Multan, a historic city in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Developed by the renowned Gulberg Group, the project offers world-class amenities and services to its residents, making it a symbol of luxury living in the region.

Fecha: 10/04/2023 09:05 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: gulbergexecutivemultanpak
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