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  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


  • Portada de DANIEL DERONDA


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    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • Daniel Deronda, raised by Gentiles, discovers the truth about his heritage and seeks his Jewish roots, finding that Judaism--and, particularly, Zionism--gives meaning to his life. Daniel's story intersects with that of the beautiful and spoiled Gwendolyn Harleth, who marries the jaded, depraved aristocrat Grandcourt and liv...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

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    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Searching for his life's purpose, young Daniel Deronda is immediately attracted to the beautiful but shallow Gwendolen Harleth during a chance meeting at a casino. As they pursue separate journeys of self-discovery, culminating in Daniel's discovery of his Jewish heritage, Daniel and Gwendolen reveal much about the depth of their characters and the circumstances that have influenced their lives.Daniel Deronda was George Eliot's final, and arguably most controversial, novel. Many readers question

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • George Eliot was considered one of the greatest writers of the Victorian era and in this classic 1876 work, the last that she had completed, we find the only novel set in that era. "Daniel Deronda" begins by exploring the romantic relationship of its title character with Gwendolen Harleth and then through two separate flashbacks explores the history of the two characters. The novel, which was controversial for its exploration of the Jewish Zionist movement, is a mixture of social satire and an exploration of the morality of Victorian society. "Daniel Deronda" remains one of Eliot's most popular works and is an excellent example of the author's immense literary talent.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • As Daniel Deronda opens, Gwendolen Harleth is poised at the roulette-table, prepared to throw away her family fortune. She is observed by Daniel Deronda, a young man groomed in the finest tradition of the English upper-classes. And while Gwendolen loses everything and becomes trapped in an oppressive marriage, Deronda's fortunes take a different turn. After a dramatic encounter with the young Jewish woman Mirah, he becomes involved in a search for her lost family and finds himself drawn into ever-deeper sympathies with Jewish aspirations and identity. 'I meant everything in the book to be related to everything else', wrote George Eliot of her last and most ambitious novel, and in weaving her plot strands together she created a bold and richly textured picture of British society and the Jewish experience within it.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Daniel Deronda, the last of Eliot's novels, is the most complete expression of her idealism. Its...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Daniel Deronda, George Eliot's last great novel, charts the intertwined lives of spirited Gwendolen Harleth and the idealistic Deronda. Both are damaged by their pasts, and alienated from the society around them, in a story set against the backdrop of economic crisis, political uncertainty, and proto-Zionism.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • "Daniel Deronda," by George Eliot, is part of the "Barnes & Noble Classics"" "series, which offers...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS



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