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Sinópsis del libro:

  • The information society is upon us and with it comes the constant barrage of information accessible wherever, whenever. This book explores the role of knowledge (or lack thereof) prevalent in society, and investigates the dangers lurking in information technology and democracy as a whole.

    Information is a condition for a robust democracy; people should vote based on sound information. But sound information doesn?t come easy and without labor. It must be properly handled and formatted before it is useful for deliberation, decision and action. In the information age, understanding the means by which information is processed becomes a crucial democratic instrument for the individual as well as the group.

    With points of departure in philosophy, social psychology, economics and choice- and game theory, Infostorms shows how information may be used to improve the quality of personal decision and group thinking but also warns against the informational pitfalls which modern information technology may amplify. Covering topics including the continued war efforts, the social media success, polarization in politics, stock, science or opinion bubbles and what it really is; this book?s broad approach offers an excellent overview on information and valuable guidance on how to take information punches.

    ?This book should be read by everyone interested in network formation and researchers interested in decision making behavior. ?

    - Robert A. Becker, Professor of Economics, Indiana University, Bloomington

    ?The result is a showpiece of socially responsible fundamental science.?

    - Johan van Benthem?, Professor of Logic and Philosophy, University of Amsterdam & Stanford University

    ?Drawing on many different disciplines and traditions, Infostorms offers an analysis of these forces that is indispensable for everyone who is invested, as we all should be, in the value and the future of democracy.?

    - Philip Pettit, L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values, Princeton University; University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Australian National University.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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