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  • In the now-classic novel Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice refreshed the archetypal vampire myth for a late-20th-century audience. The story is ostensibly a simple one: having suffered a tremendous personal loss, an 18th-century Louisiana plantation owner named Louis Pointe du Lac descends into an alcoholic stupor. At his emotional nadir, he is confronted by Lestat, a charismatic and powerful vampire who chooses Louis to be his fledgling. The two prey on innocents, give their dark gift to a young girl, and seek out others of their kind (notably the ancient vampire Armand) in Paris. But a summary of this story bypasses the central attractions of the novel. First and foremost, the method Rice chose to tell her tale--with Louis’ first-person confession to a skeptical boy--transformed the vampire from a hideous predator into a highly sympathetic, seductive, and all-too-human figure. Second, by entering the experience of an immortal character, one raised with a deep Catholic faith, Rice was able to explore profound philosophical concerns--the nature of evil, the reality of death, and the limits of human perception--in ways not possible from the perspective of a more finite narrator.
    While Rice has continued to investigate history, faith, and philosophy in subsequent Vampire novels (including The Vampire Lestat, The Queen of the Damned, The Tale of the Body Thief, Memnoch the Devil, and The Vampire Armand), Interview remains a treasured masterpiece. It is that rare work that blends a childlike fascination for the supernatural with a profound vision of the human condition. --Patrick O’Kelley
    Anne Rice is the author of the celebrated series of gothic novels featuring the vampire Lestat, and as Anne Rampling and A.N. Roquelaure she is one of the best contemporary writers of erotic fiction.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • adventures of a “Slayer” of profoundly satirical “Vampires” who suck hope out of society. It is disturbingly dark, and yet extraordinarily hilarious at the same time. At the same time, each episode gives a moment of fame to a real life everyday hero, who inspired hope in the face of the vampires. Each book also has 13 spiritual insights that have come as a result of these battles to keep hope, and both funny and dark cartoons and poetry along the way.

    Episode Two, The Current Price, highlights the hero Tracy Nigro and local politician “The Current Price” and their battles within the evil world of modern health care.

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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