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Sinópsis del libro:

  • A bedside companion and journal filled with inspiration and wisdom from one of the world's best-loved spiritual writers. FROM THE FOREWORD: 'Alchemy is the projection of our spiritual longings onto the physical world. This diary is intended to accompany you on your path towards making these longings reality...towards trusting in your own decisions and accepting life's challenges.' * This attractively packaged book acts as a companion and source of daily enlightenment in one, allowing you to journey through life with guidance from one of the most loved and influential authors of our time, Paulo Coelho. * Beautifully illustrated in colour throughout, each page offers space for you to detail your thoughts, feelings and activities at any chosen time, accompanied by an inspirational selected quotation. * Includes extracts from Paulo Coelho's bestselling titles, including The Alchemist, The Pilgrimage and Eleven Minutes, as well as insights from interviews and previously unpublished sayings.

    'His books have had a life-enhancing impact on millions of people.' THE TIMES 'Coelho's writing is beautifully poetic but his message is what counts...he gives me hope and puts a smile on my face.' DAILY EXPRESS

    A bedside companion and journal filled with inspiration and wisdom from one of the world's best-loved spiritual writers. FROM THE FOREWORD: 'Alchemy is the projection of our spiritual longings onto the physical world. This diary is intended to accompany you on your path towards making these longings reality...towards trusting in your own decisions and accepting life's challenges.' * This attractively packaged book acts as a companion and source of daily enlightenment in one, allowing you to journey through life with guidance from one of the most loved and influential authors of our time, Paulo Coelho. * Beautifully illustrated in colour throughout, each page offers space for you to detail your thoughts, feelings and activities at any chosen time, accompanied by an inspirational selected quotation. * Includes extracts from Paulo Coelho's bestselling titles, including The Alchemist, The Pilgrimage and Eleven Minutes, as well as insights from interviews and previously unpublished sayings.

    Paulo Coelho's books have won numerous awards and

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Peter may have gotten out of the boat nearly 2000 years ago, but Jesus' invitation still stands today. But what is waiting on the other side could just be a lot of water and very little chance of remaining above it. As Jesus' followers, we can follow His calling, but can we walk on water?To walk on water means to:* Face our fears and not allow others to have the last word in our lives.* Discover God's calling for your life and follow it for the rest of your life.* Experience God's power in your life in order to achieve what wasn't possible in your own strength.Christ walked on water successfully. There's only one thing that you need to do before you can walk on water successfully: You need to get out of the boat!

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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#1 Horrible, dificil de entender

Fecha: 29/07/2014 16:00 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 38 // por: oscurototal

Yo Leo

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