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Sinópsis del libro:

  • The continued advances in wireless communication and positioning technologies such as GPS have made new data management applications possible, such as location-based services (LBS) that store and manage the continuously changing positions of moving objects. "Moving Objects Management - Models, Techniques and Applications" focuses on moving objects management, from the location management perspective to the exploration of how the continually changing locations affect the traditional database and data mining technology. Specifically, the book describes the topics of moving objects modeling and location updating, indexing and querying, clustering, location uncertainty and privacy issues, as well as their application to intelligent transportation systems. This book is intended for developers of database management systems and mobile applications, research scientists and advanced-level students in computer science and geography. Dr. Xiaofeng Meng is a professor at the School of Information, Renmin University of China; Dr. Jidong Chen is a senior research scientist at EMC Research China, one of the research groups of the EMC Corporation.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Applications, 2nd Edition focuses on moving object management, from the location management perspective to determining how constantly changing locations affect the traditional database and data mining technology. The book specifically describes the topics of moving objects modeling and location tracking, indexing and querying, clustering, location uncertainty, traffic-aware navigation and privacy issues, as well as the application to intelligent transportation systems. Through the book, the readers will be made familiar with the cutting-edge technologies in moving object management that can be effectively applied in LBS and transportation contexts. The second edition of this book significantly expands the coverage of the latest research on location privacy, traffic-aware navigation and uncertainty. The book has also been reorganized, with nearly all chapters rewritten, and several new chapters have been added to address the latest topics on moving objects management.

    Xiaofeng Meng is a professor at the School of Information, Renmin University of China; Zhiming Ding is a professor at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS); Jiajie Xu is an assistant professor at the ISCAS.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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