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  • Portada de ODD THOMAS


  • Portada de ODD THOMAS


  • Portada de ODD THOMAS


  • Portada de ODD THOMAS


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • The bestselling thriller from Dean Koontz, one of the most acclaimed and popular authors of modern times. In Odd Thomas he has created a character whose unique voice will live for generations to come. Odd Thomas takes pride in his work as a fry cook. His fame has spread, bringing strangers to the restaurant in Pico Mundo. Odd cannot say what it is that disturbs him about this particular stranger, but his sixth sense is alert … This is a man with an appetite for operatic terror. The violence he craves is of the most extreme variety: multiple untimely deaths spiced with protracted horror. Tomorrow. Odd's fears are first for Stormy Llewellyn, his one true love. Stormy believes that our passage through this world is intended to toughen us for the next life - that the many terrors we know here are an inoculation against worse in the world to come. But Odd Thomas knows more than Stormy about this world. Many people in Pico Mundo think he is some sort of psychic, perhaps a clairvoyant, a seer, something. None but a handful know that he sees the restless dead, those with unfinished business and, sometimes, plenty of postmortem rage. Tomorrow. The day begins as uncannily still as dawn on Judgment Day one breath before the sky cracks open. At once chilling and deeply moving, Odd Thomas is a brilliantly observed chronicle of good and evil in our time, of illusion and everlasting truth.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Paperback

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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#1 Superior a la película. Te deja esperando el segundo libro, sobre todo ante el final inesperado y los personajes que rodean a Odd.

Fecha: 15/09/2014 04:27 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: Chdnk

Yo Leo

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