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Sinópsis del libro:

  • An unforgettable story of survival...and of the extraordinary acts of faith and courage that bring - and keep - families together… On a wind-swept summer day, as the fog rolls across the San Francisco coastline, a solitary figure walks down the beach, a dog at her side. At eleven, Pip Mackenzie’s young life has already been touched by tragedy; nine months before, a terrible accident plunged her mother Ophelie into inconsolable grief. But on this chilly July afternoon, Pip meets artist Matt Bowles, who offers to teach the girl to draw — and can’t help but notice her beautiful, lonely mother. Matt Bowles senses something magical about Pip, who reminds him of his own daughter at that age, before a bitter divorce tore his family apart and swept his children halfway across the world.
    At first, Ophelie is thrown off-balance by her daughter’s new companion — until she realizes how much joy he is bringing into their lives, so that mother and daughter can slowly begin to heal, to laugh again, to rediscover what they have lost. As Matt has to confront unfinished business from his past, and Ophelie is struck by a stunning betrayal, out of the darkness that has shadowed them both comes an unexpected gift of hope. A story of triumph and a moving elegy to those who suffer and survive, Safe Harbour is Danielle Steel’s most powerful and life-affirming novel to date.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Eleven-year-old Philippa (Pip) Mackenzie helps heal her mother's broken heart when her friendship with painter Matt Bowles brings new love into her widowed mom's life. However, Matt's relationship with Pip's mother, Ophélie, is complicated by the bitterness he still harbors over his divorce and Ophélie's discovery of a dark secret about her deceased husband.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • In her fifty-ninth bestselling novel, Danielle Steel tells an unforgettable story of survival...of how two people who lost everything find hope...and of the extraordinary acts of faith and courage that bring —and keep— families together... On a windswept summer day, as the fog rolls across the San Francisco coas...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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