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  • Portada de THE BOURNE LEGACY


  • Portada de THE BOURNE LEGACY


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Of all Robert Ludlum's bestsellers, the Bourne novels are the ones that have intrigued his thousands of readers the most. A man without a past is washed into the nets of a fishing boat. He is barely alive and has no knowledge of who he is or how he got there. All he has is a passport in the name of Jason Bourne - a man, it seems, who has many deadly skills and even more deadly enemies. Over the course of three books, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum, he gradually comes to realize who and what he really is - a strange amalgam of his original self, a man named David Webb, and the deadly killer identity that goes by the name Jason Bourne. An identity that many would like to see gone forever.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Once, Jason Bourne was notorious in the clandestine world of covert-ops as one of the CIA's most expert international killers for hire. Out of the ashes of his violent past he's emerged today as a Georgetown professor, living a quiet life, retired from danger--until he narrowly escapes the bullet of a faceless assassin. And when two of Bourne's closest associates are murdered, Bourne knows that his legacy has followed him--and set him up as the prime suspect for the brutal crimes.The quicksand of lies and betrayals is deeper than Bourne ever imagined. Hunted by the CIA as a dangerous rogue agent, he has only one option to stay alive--and one last chance to stay one step ahead of an unseen assailant whose vengeance is personal. Pursued across the globe, Bourne's on the run, and on the edge of discovering the truth--that he's become the expendable pawn in an international terrorist plot. One that's taking every living witness with it and plunging Bourne one step closer to the world-shattering consequences of...the Bourne Legacy.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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