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  • Portada de THE FAMILY


  • Portada de THE FAMILY


  • Portada de THE FAMILY


  • Portada de THE FAMILY


  • Portada de THE FAMILY


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • What is a family? Mario Puzo first answered that question, unforgettably, in his landmark bestseller The Godfather; with the creation of the Corleones he forever redefined the concept of blood loyalty. Now, thirty years later, Puzo enriches us all with his ultimate vision of the subject, in a masterpiece that crowns his remarkable career: the story of the greatest crime family in Italian history - the Borgias. In The Family, this singular novelist transports his readers back to fifteenth-century Rome and reveals the extravagance and intrigue of the Vatican as surely as he once revealed the secrets of the Mafia. At the story's centre is Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI, a man whose lustful appetites for power, luxury and women were matched only by his consuming love of family. Surrounding him are his extraordinary children: the simple, unloved Jofre; the irascible, heartless Juan; the beautiful, strong-willed Lucrezia; and the passionate warrior Cesare, Machiavellli's friend and inspiration. Their intermingled stories constitute a symphony of human emotion and behaviour, from pride to romance to jealousy to betrayal and murderous rage. And their time, place, and characters are recaptured in all their earthy, human grandeur, with the unerring insight and compassion that were Mario Puzo's great gifts.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • 'We are a family,' Alexander told his children. 'And the loyalty of the family must come before everything and everyone else. We must learn from each other, protect each other, and be bound first and foremost to each other. For if we honor that commitment, we will never be vanquished - but if we falter in that loyalty, we will all be condemned'. In a tale of brutality and betrayal that crowns Mario Puzo's remarkable career, he brings us the story of the greatest crime family in Italian history - the Borgias. 'We are a family,' Alexander told his children. 'And the loyalty of the family must come before everything and everyone else. We must learn from each other, protect each other, and be bound first and foremost to each other. For if we honor that commitment, we will never be vanquished - but if we falter in that loyalty, we will all be condemned'. In a tale of brutality and betrayal that crowns Mario Puzo's remarkable career, he brings us the story of the greatest crime family in Italian history - the Borgias.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Todavía no ha sido valorado

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • ""We are a family,"" Alexander told his children. ""And the loyalty of the family must come before everything and everyone else. For if we honor that commitment, we will never be vanquished -- but if we falter in that loyalty, we will all be condemned.""

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Idioma: CASTELLANO



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