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  • Portada de THE MAGIC WALNUT


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Written by Dominic Leyton and delightfully illustrated by Judy Elizabeth Wilson, this captivating story for children also deals with common issues such as loneliness, bullying, fear, self-confidence and self-belief.A young swan called Terry is frightened of flying and, after becoming the first swan in history to fail the Swan Flying Test, is left all alone when the other swans fly away for the winter.Facing a perilous future and in danger not only from the cold and lack of food but also from the dreaded “swan-eating monsters” that allegedly roam the area, Terry is befriended by a physically challenged seafaring old mouse called Nunu. Together they set out across the frozen countryside in search of a special magic walnut to help Terry fly, assisted by various characters along the way.With Nunu’s help Terry learns to overcome his problems and regains his confidence. More importantly, of course, Terry learns that the magic is not in the object… but in himself.Author Dominic Leyton com...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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Fecha: 01/09/2023 15:24 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: seoexpert001

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