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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Denise Holdens life is a fragile mix of luck and hard work. A single mom of a speech-delayed son, Denise makes ends meet by moving to the small town of Edenton, North Carolina, and working the late shift as a waitress. When Denisecrashes her car and her son Kyle flees the accident and disappears into the storm, her only stroke of luck is the quick arrival of Taylor McAden, a volunteer fireman. Taylors got a knack for fixing people, and he cant help wanting tobe involved with Denise beyond the initial rescue of Kyle.
    As Taylor helps Denise recover from the accident and get to know the town, they discover a sweet bond and a magical chemistry that pulls them closer and closer. ThoughTaylor fits perfectly into Denises family, hes unable to open his heart to being loved by her. As Taylor struggles to understand his conflicting desires, Denise questions the wisdom of gambling with Kyles and her own emotions.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • When confronted by raging fires or deadly accidents, volunteer fireman Taylor McAden feels compelled to take terrifying risks -- risks no-one else in the department would ever take -- to save lives. But there is one leap of faith Taylor cannot bring himself to make. He cannot fall in love. For all his adult years, Taylor has sought out women who need to be rescued, women he leaves as soon as their crisis is over, as soon as the relationship starts to become truly intimate. Then, one day, a raging, record-breaking storm hits his small Southern town. Denise Hilton, a young single mother, is driving through it when her car skids off the road. With her is her four-year- old son, Kyle, a boy with severe learning disabilities for whom she has sacrificed everything. Taylor finds her unconscious and bleeding, but when she wakes, the chilling truth is clear: Kyle is gone. During the search for Kyle, a connection between Taylor and Denise takes root. Taylor doesn't know this rescue will be different from all the others the possibility of his own rescue from a life lived without love ...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • How do you learn to trust again? Denise Hilton, a young single mother, is driving through Edenton, North Carolina, when her car skids off the road during a storm. With her is her four-year-old son, Kyle, a boy with severe learning disabilities for whom she has sacrificed everything. When volunteer fireman Taylor McAden finds her she is unconscious and bleeding, but when she wakes an even more chilling truth becomes clear: Kyle is gone. When confronted by raging fires or deadly accidents, Taylor feels compelled to take terrifying risks to save lives, and the search for Kyle is no exception. But there is one leap of faith Taylor cannot bring himself to make - to commit to a relationship. Will this chance meeting with Denise prove any different?

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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