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Sinópsis del libro:

  • If you enjoy epic fantasy or swords & sorcery like THE SONG OF FIRE AND ICE, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, BLOOD SONG, THE WHEEL OF TIME or THE WIZARD’S FIRST RULE you will like this new series.

    His past was lost, only faded dreams and echoes of happier times remained. Sometimes he had a flash, a quick fleeting glimpse of a better place with friends, warmth and cheer below a silver sun in a twilight land. Those were rare though.

    Now, there is only the harsh brutal present, sweat stinging the eye and blood flowing from cracked bruised knuckles, a sword in his filthy callused hand and the hoarse shouts of the Sword Masters ringing in his ears. Exhaustion paints his partner's face like cheap mask. No doubt his own face looks just as bad.

    It is a never ending struggle, up before the sun, running, jumping, lifting and fighting, each day full of pain and injury. Training, always training, His country, Vesfalruk, needs warriors to defend their land and homes. And, this place makes the best warriors. There are none better with sword or ax in all the world.

    But there is a power and a sense of belonging in this place, this ancient Guild Hall and fortress lying in the shadow of the Eastern White Mountains.

    Being here comforts him in ways he does not understand and the cold winter winds are somehow less chill. His sword calls and he takes it up and trots out into the yard.

    Vesfalruk is a besieged place, an isolated mountainous land that has struggled against numerous foes and invaders, the Erhand.

    It is a land with a violent and bloody history and a kingdom without a king.

    There has been no king for over two-hundred years and relative peace, if it can be called that, has been the norm for most of that time.

    So trade flourishes, peace reigns and ancient traditions are openly questioned and sometimes mocked.

    Vesfalruk warriors are still renowned throughout Ellorhim and the Guild Halls continue to train them, against a rising popular opinion.

    Old enemies are stirring again, their armies gather, swelling and massing for another round of invasion and conquest.

    And, that is fine with him and it if the same for those he has grown up with in this Guild Hall. Let them come again. We will be ready. He vows this, to himself and to others.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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Fecha: 26/02/2022 09:30 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: oliverjake

#15 Every day is filled with agony and injury as you get up before the dawn to run, leap, lift, and battle. Vesfalruk, his homeland, needs fighters to protect their land and homes, therefore he constantly trains dissertation writers #mce_temp_url#. And the best fighters come from this region. No one in the entire world is better with a sword or an axe.

Fecha: 05/07/2022 15:31 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: thomasmarsden45

#17 What is the setting and central theme of the book described in the article, 'TO FORGE A KING: THE CHRONICLES OF ELLORHIM,' and how does it relate to popular epic fantasy and swords & sorcery literature like 'THE SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, ' 'THE LORD OF THE RINGS,' and others?

Fecha: 18/09/2023 12:14 // Votos: 0 // Karma: 6 // por: daviddouglas
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