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U.S. HISTORY FOR DUMMIES // Wiegand, Steve; , C.;

Ace your next history test with this concise, easy-to-read guide U.S. History for Dummies, 3 rd Edition fills the need to improve high school proficiency in history by providing a complete history of the United States, presented in an accessible, reader-friendly format designed to engage students while reinforcing lessons learned in class.

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POLYMER SYNTHESIS: THEORY AND PRACTICE // , Voit; , Ritter; , Rehahn; , Cherdron; , Braun; , C.;

The basic concept of this new edition remains unchanged: Emphasis is again put on a broader description of the general methods and processes for the synthesis, modification and characterization of macromolecules. These more fundamental chapters will be supplemented by 115 selected and detailed experiments. In addition to the preparative aspects ...

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Markov chains are a particularly powerful and widely used tool for analyzing a variety of stochastic (probabilistic) systems over time. This monograph will present a series of Markov models, starting from the basic models and then building up to higher-order models. Included in the higher-order discussions are multivariate models, higher-order m...

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Intensive and extensive cultivation of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) leads to serious pest problem in vineyards in major grape growing areas of the world. Climatic conditions in India are favorable for high production of table and wine grapes, and thus also for incidence of variety of pests. These include the sucking insect pests namely thrips, hop...

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