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Libros de C.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para C.
Since the publication of the first edition in 1992, the HVAC industry has gone through enormous changes. As simple digital systems have given way to more complex systems, demand for information on how these systems operate, how they are best applied and how they communicate with other building control systems has grown rapidly. Direct Digital Co...
El poeta francés Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) fue el primero en aplicar la expresión Paraísos artificiales -la tomó de una tienda de flores artificiales de París- a la vivencia del mundo creado por el opio y otras sustancias alucinógenas. Partiendo de Las confesiones de un comedor de opio inglés , de Thomas de Quincey, al que en parte tra...
The first books to present specific guidance for teaching the Common Core State...
This new textbook in surgical pathology aims to reflect the practice of a new generation of surgical pathologists. Molecular correlations will appear in each chapter; this information will be practical and will tell the surgical pathologist what he needs to know about this new technology. The core editorial material will be in-depth, comprehensi...
Cytologic diagnosis by examination of exfoliated cells in serous cavity fluids is one of the most challenging areas in clinical cytopathology. Almost 20% of the effusions examined are directly or indirectly related to the presence of malignant disease, with carcinoma of the lung as the most common underlying culprit. This volume published in the...
?Understanding Liver Cancer is a concise and up-to-date review, which discusses diagnosis, management, patient care, current and emerging therapies, and useful resources that clinicians can provide to their patients. Busy healthcare professionals who want a quick review of liver cancer as well as a summary of current therapies will benefit from ...
Refugiado en las ruinas del Empire State, Wilbur Rockefeller Swain, médico de profesión, monstruo de nacimiento y el último presidente de los Estados Unidos, repasa la historia de su vida y la de su país como si fueran una sola. Y en ese repaso no puede faltar Eliza, su hermana gemela: "No éramos idiotas… Éramos algo nuevo. Éramos neandertaloide...
Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events...
Originally published in 1785 by Francis Grose, this edition has changes made in 1811. This is a dictionary of slang, which has been improved upon by a member of the whip club. The definitions are an excellent look at the humor of the late 18th century ...
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