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Libros de C.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para C.
Like no other telescope ever invented, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has given us magnificent high resolution views of the gigantic cosmic collisions between galaxies. Hubble's images are snapshots in time and catch the colliding galaxies in different stages of collision. Thanks to a new and amazing set of 60 Hubble images, for the first t...
A there it is! guide to insects of medical and public health concern, mainly in the tropics. Each chapter covers identification, life cycle and habits of the causative stage and its medical/public health significance.
This book describes, by using elementary techniques, how some geometrical structures widely used today in many areas of physics, like symplectic, Poisson, Lagrangian, Hermitian, etc., emerge from dynamics. It is assumed that what can be accessed in actual experiences when studying a given system is just its dynamical behavior that is described b...
Research in computational intelligence is directed toward building thinking machines and improving our understanding of intelligence. As evident, the ultimate achievement in this field would be to mimic or exceed human cognitive capabilities including reasoning, recognition, creativity, emotions, understanding, learning and so on. In this book, ...
La estela de los crímenes cometidos en 1840 en una plantación cercana a Niceville caerá sobre los habitantes actuales de la ciudad. Cuando Rainey Teague pierde a sus padres en circunstancias trágicas y misteriosas, Kate Kavanaugh decide acoger al pequeño pese a las objeciones de su marido Nick, detective de Niceville. Los problemas de la pareja ...
Denmark and Switzerland are small and successful countries with exceptionally content populations. However, they have very different political institutions and economic models. They have followed the general tendency in the West toward economic convergence, but both countries have managed to stay on top. They both have a strong liberal tradition...
Featuring contributions from researchers in a diverse range of fields, this text examines PARP and cell death. It also explores PARP and apoptosis, PARP and DNA repair, and PARP and regulation of gene expression. Separate chapters focus on novel ways of measuring PARP activation.
Más allá de las montañas, en un mundo poblado por orcos, elfos, enanos y humanos, y guardado por los Siete Dioses, vive Dorken, un hechicero, con su familia. Sin embargo, su plácida vida está a punto de verse alterada por acontecimientos que escapan a su control: los dioses ya no responden a los rezos de los humanos. No es la primera vez que las...
Cuando Boris Izcovich dijo la palabra «pausa», Mia Fredricksen, de cincuenta y cinco años, que llevaba casada treinta años con Boris, enloqueció. Porque lo que deseaba su marido era una pausa en su matrimonio, después de treinta años sin adulterios por parte de ninguna de las partes aunque parezca increíble, una hija encantadora que iniciaba su ...
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