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ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR: EVOLUTION AND MECHANISMS // , Schneider; , Kraus; , Zhang; , Kaiser; , F.; , Schreiber; , Trillmich; , Tautz; , Taborsky; , Schaik; , Schaefer; , Sachser; , Penn; , Pahl; , Moritz; , Michiels; , Manser; , Kotrschal; , Korb; , Kerth; , Kempenaers; , Kappeler; , Hofer; , Hirschenhauser; , Heinze; , Goymann; , Broc;

The study of animal behaviour is one of the fastest growing sub-disciplines in biology. The resulting diversity of conceptual approaches and methodological innovations makes it increasingly difficult for professionals and students to keep abreast of important new developments. This edited volume provides up-to-date reviews that facilitate orient...

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This book presents a wealth of insights and new conceptualizations for the development of Assistive Technologies for the Interaction of the Elderly . The book arranges the chapters according to important aspects of maximizing the use value in innovation projects. Every chapter will include an executive summary reporting the main results, a stor...

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