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Libros de Schulze

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ATLAS OF STEM ANATOMY IN HERBS, SHRUBS AND TREES // , Schweingruber; , Schulze; , Börner; , S.;

This work, published in two volumes, contains descriptions of the wood and bark anatomies of 3000 dicotyledonous plants of 120 families, highlighting the anatomical and phylogenetic diversity of dicotyledonous plants of the Northern Hemisphere. The first volume principally treats families of the Early Angiosperms, Eudicots, Core Eudicots and Ros...

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ATLAS OF WOODY PLANT STEMS // , Schweingruber; , Schulze; , Börner;

This atlas gives a unique assemblage of microscopic slides of wood anatomy and of the respective species in nature and demonstrates the reaction of stem anatomy to environments in which plants form woody stems. It provides insight into the evolution of wood, to the variation of wood anatomy in response to climate and disturbances, and it gives a...

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The book deals with the localization approach to the index problem for elliptic operators. Localization ideas have been widely used for solving various specific index problems for a long time, but the fact that there is actually a fundamental localization principle underlying all these solutions has mostly passed unnoticed. The ignorance of this...

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