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Libros de Winter
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para Winter
Many mathematical assumptions on which classical derivative pricing methods are based have come under scrutiny in recent years. The present volume offers an introduction to deterministic algorithms for the fast and accurate pricing of derivative contracts in modern finance. This unified, non-Monte-Carlo computational pricing methodology is capab...
The book will provide some basic aspects of the pathophysiology of infection, but essentially the book will be practical-based and use case-illustrations to highlight key aspects of diagnosis, management and prevention. Through a combination of text, tables, figures/line drawings, clinical illustrations and other illustrations, it is hoped to pr...
?Aufgrund der sinkenden Fertigungs- und Entwicklungstiefe in Unternehmen steigt die Bedeutung der Lieferanten als Innovationsquelle. Lieferanteninnovationen können zum Unternehmenserfolg beitragen, indem Kosten, Qualität und Pünktlichkeit der Produkte verbessert werden. Stefan Winter zeigt auf, wie Lieferanteninnovationen in Unternehmen eingebra...
Goguen categories extend the relational calculus and its categorical formalization to the fuzzy world. Starting from the fundamental concepts of sets, binary relations and lattices, this book introduces several categorical formulations of an abstract theory of relations such as allegories, Dedekind categories and related structures. It is shown ...
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