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The book examines the suitability of nanoscale zero-valent iron (ZVI) for degradation of agrochemicals for the purpose of developing a cost-effective treatment technology. It identifies by-products produced from the ZVI-mediated degradation process of particular contaminants, and clarifies the reaction mechanism by which ZVI degrades a chosen co...

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GLOBAL LAND SURFACE SATELLITE (GLASS) PRODUCTS // , Cheng; , Liang; , Zhang; , Liu; , Zhao; , Xiao;

This book describes the algorithms, validation and preliminary analysis of the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products, a long-term, high-quality dataset that is now freely available worldwide to government organizations and agencies, scientific research institutions, students and members of the general public. The GLASS products include ...

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Network models are critical tools in business, management, science and industry. ?Network Models and Optimization? presents an insightful, comprehensive, and up-to-date treatment of multiple objective genetic algorithms to network optimization problems in many disciplines, such as engineering, computer science, operations research, transportatio...

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FINSLER GEOMETRY // , Shen; , Cheng;

"Finsler Geometry: An Approach via Randers Spaces" exclusively deals with a special class of Finsler metrics -- Randers metrics, which are defined as the sum of a Riemannian metric and a 1-form. Randers metrics derive from the research on General Relativity Theory and have been applied in many areas of the natural sciences. They can also be natu...

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