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Libros de Liang

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HAS MAN A FUTURE? // , Liang; , Alitto;

Liang Shu-ming (October 18, 1893 ? June 23, 1988), was a legendary philosopher, teacher, and leader in the Rural Reconstruction Movement in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican eras of Chinese history. Liang was also one of the early representatives of modern Neo-Confucianism. Guy S. Alitto, associate Professor in the Department of East As...

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GLOBAL LAND SURFACE SATELLITE (GLASS) PRODUCTS // , Cheng; , Liang; , Zhang; , Liu; , Zhao; , Xiao;

This book describes the algorithms, validation and preliminary analysis of the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products, a long-term, high-quality dataset that is now freely available worldwide to government organizations and agencies, scientific research institutions, students and members of the general public. The GLASS products include ...

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ECONOMICS OF WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT // , Thompson; , Liang; , Gebert; , Zhou; , Hand; , Calkin;

In this age of climatic and financial uncertainty, it becomes increasingly important to balance the cost, benefits and risk of wildfire management. In the United States, increased wildland fire activity over the last 15 years has resulted in drastic damage and loss of life. An associated rapid increase in fire management costs has consumed highe...

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ELECTRONIC COMMERCE // , Lee; , Liang; , King; , Turban;

Throughout the book, theoretical foundations necessary for understanding Electronic Commerce (EC) are presented, ranging from consumer behavior to the economic theory of competition. Furthermore, this book presents the most current topics relating to EC as described by a diversified team of experts in a variety of fields, including a senior vice...

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